Thursday, September 30, 2004
yeah my result abt juz now's appointment was disapointing.. my breathing result was bad.. worse from the previous appoitment.. argh!~ it's all bcoz of me.. i dont take my medication as told.. haiz!~ am i juz plain lazy or wat?? i donno
juz now i relise that(wif the nurse telling me) stress triggers asthma... wow!~ n i was lyk stress all day n all nite 24/7.. but nowadays im ok.. no syntoms of asthma at all... maybe it's juz my mind not thinking of dat sickness nowadays.. haiz!~
alngkah best nye kalau ilang ni semput... pasal semput lah stamina aku kurang(smoking too) haiz.. ok bulan posa nak dekat so the peluang to quit smoking is much higher?? hope so... besok hope i can do the BIS thingy... yeah ERP tutorial assignments still got to do.. but yeah got to understand the MRP topic 1st..
ok lah tak nak type pepanjang nanti korg penat baca.. macam compo lak.. so ni je lah.. mintak2 sihat.. n yeah lagi 4 bulan kene jumpa tu doctor lagi.. haiz!~ obat jgn lupa makan!!~~~
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 10:06 PM
All I see Is wires!~
heheh skrg ni aku kat umah!!~~ yeah.. macam mane aku leh masuk net??? macam ni.. aku gunakan laptop aku... yeah aku pernah complain laptop aku nye keyboard mepek kan??? so i decided to use the pc's keyboard connected to the laptop... heheheh
yeah memang leceh.. tapi nak internet nye pasal kan... got to come up wif dis stupid but affective idea... tapi seriously leceh ah... nak kai mouse kat laptop abe nak type kat pc nye keyboard... heheheh tak sedap sey.. tgn naik turun.. muahaha...
ok nari ada appointment.. gi jumpa doctor after like 6 mths tak jumpa die.. obat die bagi satu pun lom abis.. muahaha ada lagi 5 masih full muahahah tapi takpe aku dah sihat... tapi kalau kene masuk hospital??? argh!!~` nanak!~ aku nye test nak dekat exam lagi lah dekat!!~~ nanti kalau masuk hospital macam mane aku nak ganti aku nye posa yg tgl lagi 3 hari!!~~ argh!!~~ nanak masuk hospital plzz!~~ *amin*
oklah nak siap ah ni bye bye *doa dan terus berdoa*
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 1:47 PM
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Blog Mcm Sial!~
binget sey ngan ni blogspot... nanti tetiba je template aku ilang... argh!!!!~~~ nasib baik aku dah abis buat ni lab assignment bleh gak btolkan ni blog.. haiz!!~~
ok aku dah tukar tagboard n dat bar kat atas dah ilang!!~ yes ah!!~~ tapi kalau pat column "Who Am I" tu... dah kurang pasal bende tu ilang!!~~~ tak jumpa!~~~
tsk.. tsk.. tapi takpe aku hepi dengan apa adanya.. hehehe oklah jap lagi kene gi umah kawan buat project... bosan ah.. sejak dari bukak skola sampai skrg dgr werd project je... bleargh!~~
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 1:44 PM
Asal Tak Bleh ni???
erk asal ni shoutbox tak bleh?? ke administrator dah tau pasal webby shoutbox?? erk.. alah.. bebaik shoutbox lah satu2nye tagboard yg leh gunakan using skola nye comp.. nanti jadi tak bleh pasal aku?? ramai org sey affected... mampos aku!!~~
sori!!~ jgn marah!~~ tk sengaja.. argh!!~~ btw yg yg bende kat atas tu dah ilang.. thanks tu my cunning-ness.. hehe(maria aku curik dari ko nye blog jgn marah) heheheh...
ok orait till here.. aku ngah e-learning ni.. take care
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 8:34 AM
Monday, September 27, 2004
Yeay Layout Baru
acam layout baru?? dah takde skull lagi nak menakutkan korg... n yeah no more black background.. tukar color putih pulak.. but yeah the blood is still there.. muahahaha
tukar layout pun kat skiola.. bukan nak buat practical.. aku buat ni pun pasal lecturer takde kat lab.. so oleh kerana aku malas nak pikir pasal practical aku update lah blog aku... hehehe
n yeah jadual exam dah klua.. tapi asal dua paper je.. hmm... pelik ah.. tapi bagus jugak ah.. senang sikit idup aku.. hehehehe
oklah jap lagi lecturer nak dtg ni lab.. so kalau nak puji layput kat tag ah.. kalau nak kutuk pun kat situ gak
P/S: yg frens nye link abit messy nanti aku btolkan
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 3:44 PM
Friday, September 24, 2004
hehehe.. as usual kat lab... btw for u guys info.. aku tak leh masuk net for taK tau how long pasal... aku nye internet nye connection kat umah entah btol ke tidak.. tapi bagus jugak ah.. pasal kalau tak aku 24/7 dok depan comp je.. nasib baik skola lepas jugak aku dari belengu internet kat umah...
nari was the 1st tym aku kasi complete aku nye photoshop nye practical... tadi blaja sal masking.. so macam sronok gitu.. so skrg ni dah abis!!~~ yg bebudak yg lain sume ngah main game kat hp fun.. (
click here)
nari maybe aku nak ngok wayang.. cite new police story!~~ weehee... jacky chan rocks~ (walaupun rumah die dah kata pergi kubo dah kate mari) hehehe.. dah dah aku dah tak tau ape nak type...
so hope u guys are having a great tym while reading dis.. challo manno(tak tau eja)
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 3:18 PM
Sunday, September 19, 2004
allo again!~
yeah!~ tadi klua.. gi rounding ngan bus 107 hehehe.. mane lah aku tau tu bus loop.. so aku naik lah bus tu.. die jalan kat lavender(tu aku tau) pastu jalan kat depan gateway building sume.. pastu lalu suntec.. aku dah ada niat nak turun.. tapi takpe lah dok jap... skali korg nak tau ape?? die pusing balik gi gateway building lagi... aku dah macam "aik tempat ni lagi"... n yeah my assumption was correct... die pusing balik and already menuju towards hougang back again... nasib baik aku pandai.. turun lavender mrt naik mrt gi city hall.. muahahaha
n then kat city hall aku spent ard an hour kat hmv(yg kat city link tu) 1st stop aku dgr RNB nye cd yg compilation tu... aku ngok lah ada lagu ape.. abe ada lagu eamon-dont want u back.. so aku dgr lah.. skali dorg censored lah.. n it goes like "ff... wat i said~~ it dont mean shh.. now~~" argh!!~~ lagu yg kene censored tak best!!~` so tak jadi lah beli.. tapi lagu yg lain sume best2 hehehe tapi pasal tu satu lagu aku tak beli... pastu jalan satu rock/pop nye category.. heheh jalan nye jalan.. dpt idea amik name artist balik d/l hehehe... so aku klua kan hp n type satu2 name artist yg aku nak.. so aku tak lupa.. ye tak?? pastu dah abis.. gi movie nye side lak... 1st pasang niat nak carik vcd citer "city of god".. tapi takde citer tu.. pasal rating die R21(aku tau pasal aku baca kat Life) tapi bukan sexual content tau.. citer die pasal drugs... drug bisnes n all.. abe aku survey DVD lak... baru aku tau... citer "stuck on you" rupanya NC-16.. hehehe.. ada ape tu citer eh?? *wondering* n yeah.. stursky n hutch lak M-18.. terkejut sey aku.. padahal tym aku ngok kat wayang kawan aku lom 18 pun.. hmm... tapi takpe.. pastu gi kat tempat TV nye corner lak... aku nampak complete transformers nye CD... wow!!~~ tapi harganya.. masya Allah.. tak mampu aku.. hehehe so sesape yg sudi.. leh ah next year bday aku... *hint hint* n then gi kat cartoon nye side.. aku jumpa cowboy bebop the movie.. ingatkan nak beli.. tapi pikir dua kali tak jadi... hehehe..
pastu gi MPH pulak(lepas cd kite ke kedai buku).. carik lah buku initial.. tapi takde.. hmm.. so mane nak carik tu eh.. ngah pikiran.. tapi takpe lom confirm lagi.. hehehe... then gi kat teenage fiction nye category.. jumpa lak buku the unfortunate events nye buku.. tapi no.1 n 2 takde.. takkan terus nak baca no.3.. tak best ah... so lek lek.. belek2 buku2 yg lain... pastu kawan aku kol... die ckp die dah sampai..
aku pun patah balik gi mrt ctrl station.. pastu jumpa die gi makan pastu lepak2... abe tym nak balik tu aku lepak kat mrt jap pikir nak balik naik mrt or bus.. sementara pikir tu ada lah satu budak tappered... as usual kalau aku nampak budak tappered aku tunduk and lipat slua aku kasi jadi tappered ah(cara aku kutuk dorg)... pastu aku tak tau pun yg die perasan.. btw die dgn matae n kawan die... abe die dah jalan die pekik "SLUA BAGGY ADA APE??".. aku pun terus tunduk and ngok slua aku "erm.. baggy ke??" so aku toleh kat die, die ngah ngok aku... n i was like "oh he's refferring to me??" n die pun pekik lagi sentence yg same... aku ngok die.. aku pun "haiz.. ngah penat malas aku nak gaduh" aku pun beli lah standard ticket.. n naik mrt turun amk... *wondering* kalau aku gaduh tadi.. fuiyooo!!~~ best-tun... nasib baik aku ngah penat n jenis tak suka gaduh(bukan takut)... n dlm train kawan aku blg "tadi kawan die dah patah balik nak pergi kat ko tau.." n i was like "asal skrg aru ko blg..." hehehe tapi takpe... biarkan die.. asal dorg bahagia bersama slua tappered... hehehe
n then dah kat amk.. ada dua tourist ni(assume je).. suami isteri(assume lagi) tak tau nak kai GTM tu nak beli standard ticket.. aku pulak ngah kat GTM tu nak collect aku nye $1 back.. n die pun mintak aku tolong n they were heading towards somerset.. so ajar lah satu2... n they was like "wow.. that was fast.." kat sg ni bende ape yg lembab.. sume kalau boleh nak fast pace.. n yeah.. hope they reached somerset safely...
besok skola... haiz!~ ada 3-hours lab lagi.. wahduh.. bosan... got to have my rest.. tapi.. lom ngantok... hmm.. takpe lah nanti aku pikir nak buat ape.. til here.. bye!!~~~
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 11:28 PM
lazing at home notink to do.. hehehe biasa gak.. slackers per... dok umah slack je lah.. tapi tak tau lah kalau ada sesape col jap lagi nak ajak klua ke.. aku ngah bosan kat umah ni... haiz!~
smlm kendarat... ya Allah.. punya lah penat... imagine dari kul 1-9 keje non-stop... argh!~ nasib baik buffet kite tinggal angkat pinggan-mangkuk je.. kalau kes idang??? org nak makan kite kene idangkan.. org dah abis makan kite kene angkat.. org nak cuci tgn kite kene cucikan... nasib baik org nak cebok kite tak kene cebokkan... kalau tak.. takde org nak jadi kendarat(but there's still nurse)...
abe pastu ingat balik nak gi pit bebudak silat... tapi aku sampai umah je dah kul 11+ macam tu aku nak klua?? takpe terima kasih je.. katil aku pun memanggil2.. hehehe... takpe lah duit $7 tu halal je...
haiz!~ adik2 ngah terpekik telolong berkaraoke... punya lah bosan!~ lagu pun lagu mendak sey... ada ke lagu p.ramlee "JGN!~~ TINGGAL DAKU!~" ya Allah lagu zaman polis kai slua pendek tu... takpe lah janji adik aku bahagia.. n tak menyusahkan aku...
aku tak tau nak marah ke nak buat bodoh ngan adik2 aku tu... bile part suro blaja nanti dorg jawab "dah dah blaja.. dah hapal pun"... so ok lah kan.. abe part dapat result... haiz!~ yg pass leh dikire.. wahduh!~~~ nasib baik aku dah tak skola sana lagi kalau tak nanti "Muhaimin, awk tgk2 kan lah adik awk tu..." everyday dgr tu... naik bosan aku...
yeah lagi 2 project lom buat... tak tau macam mane nak buat.. otak blank sia... tu POC mini project pun punya lah susah.. kalau aku jumpa diskett arwah abg aku kan best
senang sikit keje aku... tgl cut n paste je.. hehehehe best kan best kan... tapi sampai skrg aku tak jumpa.. haiz!~
hope can finish up the project b4 the date due... *amin*
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 2:18 PM
Friday, September 17, 2004
tak concentrate lagik
wat's wif me n the werd concentrate??
i dont seem to be concentrating in class or lab or tutorial anymore... im juz like do my own stuff or do the stuff that im suppose to do at my own pace...
am i slacking or am i juz too advance?? hehehe mcm puji diri sendiri pulak.. tapi wat the hell.. aku dah malas nak dgr ckp org... aku buat ape aku rasa btol(tapi yg tido kat lecture tu memang tak btol)...
skrg ni pun ngah kat skola ngah blaja photoshop... die explain kat depan aku pulak baca notes dari drive M lepas tu buat sendiri... haiz.. mintak2 aku paham ape yg aku buat... aku ngah ada angan2 nak buat wallpaper sendiri ni(ok part ni aku tau aku ni photoshop illitrate so dont blame me)...
nari tak tau nak buat ape lepas skola... aku pun tak tau ada kompang ke tak.. aku dah lame tak training kompang... kekadang turun c.c bukan training tapi dok melepaj ngan bebudak... tu part lah rokok aku dgn pantas habis.. hehehe
ok got to get back to my photoshop thingy!~~ take care!~
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 2:01 PM
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Alhamdulillah (Feat. Yasin)
by Too Phat
Ult li albi bissaraha (I'm opening up my heart with honesty)
Hayya nab'idil karaha (Let’s avoid the hated and hatred)
Syakkireena a' kulli ni'ma (Let's remain thankful with what we have)
Ba' ideena anil fattana (Let's avoid all lies and sins)
Verse 1
I feel the heat
From these 4 candles burning
As I'm staring out the window
In solitude I look at life
From different angles
Thoughts strangled
My mind is suffocatin'
In this truth quest
A greed law
That we abide by is ruthless
Enough will never satisfy
Until we toothless
Filthy millionaires
Are gamblin' until they muflis
A sad fact of life
But mankind approved this
I gotta call Him
Sajadah is where the booth is
I'll make it clear that
I ain't even tryin' to preach ya
By sharing thoughts I hope
To find a little peace here
I thank Allah for blessing me
To be creative
So here's a diss for me
For bein' unappreciative
Wanted a perfect life
Yeah smile then die old
Fame, money, women
Phat cribos and white gold
Drive my own Beemer
Before I hit two six
A straight pink bitin' toothpicks
Who walk around town wit' two chicks
And doin' new hits to woo tricks....
Now that's wrong
Pleasure from partyin'
And bullshit don't last long
A lotta yuppies sneakin'
Cars out when dad's gone
Crackin' bottles in clubs
Frontin' designer fashion
But I ain't about
To trade happiness for a Jag
So stop smilin' with your ragtop down
Cause for a fact
I don't care about your money
Or how slick your car
'Cause no matter how rich and big you are
It's still Allahuakbar...
Ult li albi bissaraha (I'm opening up my heart with honesty)
Hayya nab'idil karaha (Let’s avoid the hated and hatred)
Syakkireena a' kulli ni'ma (Let's remain thankful with what we have)
Ba' ideena anil fattana (Let's avoid all lies and sins)
Verse 2
I know that all this
Ain't the right thing
Partying, chasing moneys
And material things
Flying high
Think nobody gonna
Clip my wings
I'm lying to myself
Knowing that
I've been neglecting
As a healthy Muslim
Riches and loot
Ain't nothing
We frontin'
Diamonds and scrilla
But forget to say
Made my album a killer
Plan B
Now 2-3 droppin'
And I wish to
Ask for forgiveness
Your guidance
Protection and strength
For humbleness and faith
To make me a better man
Success in foreign lands
Never dreamt of that
I remember being 18
When we started Too Phat
Now let's go back
Three years before that
Sometimes I forget
Me and my parents
Took a trip with granddad
I remember '95
While performing Umrah
Made my wish in Mecca
Right in front the Kaabah
Dear God
You made it possible
When facing obstacles
Please let me do good
Before I pass on
In the hospital
And keep reciting
The Testimony of Faith
And find the right way
Out of this life's maze
Ult li albi bissaraha (I'm opening up my heart with honesty)
Hayya nab'idil karaha (Let’s avoid the hated and hatred)
Syakkireena a' kulli ni'ma (Let's remain thankful with what we have)
Ba' ideena anil fattana (Let's avoid all lies and sins)
Verse 3
Ay yo…
Two candles go out
That's when
I feel the wind blow
I haven't met Fatim
For two years
Been livin' like I'm single
Evaluatin' all the friendships
The reason it's the tenth year
Is 'cause she's a patient chick
And as far as friends are concerned
Many I've had it all
From those who cried for my pain
To those who plotted my fall
I learned to differentiate
Fakes from the great
Mates from the snakes
Apes wanna beef
Hate's all it takes
For me to blow
A diss song for you
Not even worthy
As an album filler
So now it's smiles
And Alhamdulillah
Yeah, love me
Or hate me
This who I am
Look at the past at times
I wish that I was born again
So I can rectify mistakes
And my wrong doings
Attempts on minimizing my sins
Before my story ends
I ain't no Eddie Murphy
Tryin' to sound as a holy man
But if I tried to be a better person
Now I prolly can
Who am I to advise you
I ain't been the best
Of God's slaves
Just a poet writin'
What my thought says
A little house
A little car
A little sweet girl
Thank you Lord
I'll try to slow it down
On the cheap thrills
This song will prolly stir
A little controversy
At least I ain't be rappin'
Bout the stuff
As tho' I'm born in Jersey
Stage name is Malique
And lost name is Cairel
Mama told me
Stop complaining too much,
So I will...
Ult li albi bissaraha (I'm opening up my heart with honesty)
Hayya nab'idil karaha (Let’s avoid the hated and hatred)
Syakkireena a' kulli ni'ma (Let's remain thankful with what we have)
Ba' ideena anil fattana (Let's avoid all lies and sins)
yeah here's the english version... so enjoy the song!!~~ hehehehe nanti aku letak malay version nye k???
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 2:28 PM
Stand By Me
Ben E King - Stand By Me
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh now now stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me
If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
And darlin', darlin', stand by me, oh stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me-e, yeah
Whenever you're in trouble won't you stand by me, oh now now stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me
Darlin', darlin', stand by me-e, stand by me
Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 2:15 PM
Down Down The Drain
next lecture is at 4 so sempat balik umah jap... dah balik umah makan... heheh pasal tadi no money to eat anywhere else... *burp* alhamdulillah...
yah i donno y now i feel so down.. everybody seems to get on my temper.. i donno y... maybe stress or sometink like dat?? hehehe tak tau lah... aku sendiri tak paham diri aku..
ada je bende tak kene in the nite bila aku hepi in the day... mcm smlm... i donno wat happen to me... balik dari skola pikir nak deposit duit nak top-up hp.. tapi... tu machine tak terima duit $10 note yg baru.. mcm bodoh sey.. dah lah ari tu GMT(general ticketing machine) tak terima.. ni deposit nye machine pun same... abe kalau gitu buat ape buat duit baru... haiz!~ mepek sey!!~~~
abe pikir nak buat POC project.. skali question tak leh bukak pulak!~~ mugcow!!~~ bingit sey!~ macam mane nak buat kalau tak tau question n requirements.. dah lah tu project kene fool-proof... bleargh!!~~~ ngok lah macam mane nanti aku nak dpt tu question...
lagi satu project PNC... haiz.. tu lagi satu nak pikir problem tak terpikir2 abe kelas aku asik tukar grp je.. macam s**l kan... end-up aku dgn tu budak melayu.. nasib baik die pandai draw... die ckp die nak pikir problem... so aku jadi tukang type je lah...
semestral project lak si grp leader tak tau pun ada... wah liau!!~~ padahal kene pass up dis week.. tak tau lah macam mane tu... sume last minute... nasib baik aku nye english proj tgl type rules & regulation of the game je... pass tu tgl touch-up pastu dah leh antar... yeah!!~~~
next week dpt tau result common test!!~` mampus aku!!~~~ dah lah dua2 aku nye calculator buat hal... pastu tak blaja lagi... amik ko obat!~~ rasain lu!~
nak bunuh diri tapi nanti kafir tak masuk syurga... nak siksa diri nanti sendiri yg susah... entah lah.. aku pun tak tau ape nak buat... mintak2 lah hidup aku akan lebih sempurna in the future... *amin*
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 1:39 PM
Monday, September 13, 2004
Wat's wrong wif me...
im at skool... not concentrating wat the hell he is talking.. bcoz he's explaining abt the lab test we done last 3 weeks... n to my amazement i got an A+ for it... wooohooo that's y im not concentrating... hehehehe(mcm lah aku bagus nah)
miss one of my fren who has gone to syria to continue his studies... yeah.. never get to go to the airport to send him... juz manage to talk to him on the fone... yah had a great tym chatting for the last tym wif him...
wat am i?? that's the question always bothering me... or to be precise wat am i to a person called a fren... juz a place to take cover?? juz a place to release all stress?? juz a place that can be forgotten when it is not needed?? hmmm...
it's not that im emo or wat.. it's juz dat.. the lonely feeling... keep filling my heart.. im sori if im a bother.. if i am.. plz tell me so i would bother u no more...
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 2:20 PM
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
wat am i tinking??
end up here again.. blogging w/o notink up in my head.. juz type n type n type... n u guyz juz starting to read n read n read...
2moro's my maths test.. dont have the confiden.. i dont tink i can pass 2moro's test... as usual im too lazy to study... im juz a plain tired teen who never study for tests or exams.. hehehe
*thinking* am i juz a place for stops? which ppl forget n continue wif their life?? when there's no more trouble bothering them.. when they have find someone new.. when there's no need for me... they juz go far away.. n never came back..
i tried looking for them but.. they juz run away in sight of me.. i know im ugly.. better werd for me is fugly.. but do appearence count in frenship?? i donno.. seems like it counts..
thanks all for stopping by... gd luck along the rd of life.. may God bless u..
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 8:16 PM
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
argh!!~~ ok i tik dis blog will be the place where i release all thetension that's bothering me as wat am i abt to write is also frustrating...
ok 1st.. yesterday i am prepared to make myself study in the middle of thenite.. but bcoz of my laziness i slept.. that's not all.. i slept without anything p in my head for today's test.. n as u guessed it.. i've one like the secondary school years.. read in the bus.. but fortunately i woke up early n went to skool early...
i manage to coer all the topics for todays test BRIEFLY.. so i am so called prepared.. hehehe.. at 10.45 we were asked to enter the examination hall.. to check our papers n all...
and yeah... during the test an unfortunate event happen to me.. always me... my calculator spoil!!!~~~ aint dat great.. i cant do ALL the section B.. 50 mark gone.. but wif my alent of cheating(but i dont use it for cheating only to communicate) i borrowed my fren's calculator.. wah!!~ at least one out of two section B i manage to do.. muahahaha.. 25 marks..
donno whether can pass dis test or not.. n yeah.. better get myself a new calculator b4 dis thurs.. as my math's paper will be on thursday.. the subject that i have yet to cover.. muhahaha
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 1:48 PM
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
dis stupid comp is driving me nuts.. wtf!!~~~ why the hell did my dad think of a cordless mouse?? n then after reformatting he's using windows ME... what is he thinking man??? windows ME is such a crap.. like f***
got to change the mouse.. the OS.. n much more... b4 everything bcomes corrupted.. even more b4 my brain bcome corrupted...
y only after 12am all things starts to go wrong.. juz thinking of having a sweet sleep but probs after probs arose.. like i cant be hepi... even if i try i juz cant... one after another.. back to back.. action packed or better called problem packed life...
endurance?? kesabaran??? faith??? ketabahan??? wat the hell wif these werds?? i'm i lacking of them... or juz too much until it's all gone?? argh!!!~~~ cant sleep now!!~~ so wat to do??? jumping from the window??? thought of that but i'm only at level 3... how can i be dead dat way... i wanna sleep for god sake!!~~~ but i juz cant!!~~ too many things bothering me!~~ i donno wat...
how can i do my revisions if things like dis starts to happen?? am i gonna fail dis common test??? i only got two papers for god's sake... only 2.. but am i giving up??? wat's the matter wif me??? *banging the head on the wall*...
Posted by Fr3aK[A]z0iD at 3:34 AM